Some time ago, I was asked to serve on a Fellowship committee at a small church in the Cleveland, OH area. This was a new committee formed by the church council to create fellowship opportunities for church members. These members were requesting fellowship opportunities so they could develop Christian relationships. In one week's time, I went from being a member of this committee to somehow running the committee! Not what I had in mind! The wife of our church council president, Cheri, was on our committee and she offered much encouragement to this doubtful new council member! Our first event was simple. A hot dog picnic in the park with a softball game and some activities for the children. As news spread of the upcoming event, we heard absolutely nothing from anyone about it. I was beginning to wonder if anyone would show. Cheri relayed this to her husband who wisely said, "If no one comes, then they can't complain if they haven't developed relationships in the church." So we planned it and had two weeks of sign-ups. All you needed to do was let us know you were coming and what food item you were willing to bring, plus pay three bucks for the hot dogs. I had never planned an event before and I was nervous it would flop (pride!). About 20+ people signed up. This wasn't too bad considering the size of our church and me thinking NO ONE would attend. The day of the big event, which was on a Sunday after church, our pastor prayed for it's success. The message of the day was on the feeding of the 5,000. Always a delightful story. But how much do we ever really apply this story to our lives. And what is it REALLY about anyway? I would soon find out! One point I recall being made about this miracle was in the cleaning up part of the story. After the 5,000 people had been fed, the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. What this shows is that God's grace overflows and never runs out. This information came after the phrase, "They all ate and were satisfied..." What does this have to do with my hot dog picnic? As I said earlier, a little over 20 people had signed up. As we began to grill the hot dogs, more and more people were showing up that hadn't signed up. I began to panic! We didn't have enough hot dogs for everyone! People were bringing salads and desserts, but that wasn't helping the hot dog situation! I was getting a little angry that they hadn't signed up and now I was unprepared (more pride!). An older gentleman (who had signed up) overheard those of us grilling and said he'd run to the store and get more hot dogs. We had no money left to offer him. "No problem.", he said. He purchased hot dogs and buns. Some children came up and said all the church volleyballs were flat. This same man somehow came up with a pump for the balls and everyone was "satisfied." Cheri and her husband were nearby when it suddenly hit me. I said to them, "In all my panic....I'm suddenly remembering this morning's sermon on the feeding of the 5,000!" We acknowledged it's timeliness, which of course, God's word always is! After such a powerful message, how could I have ever doubted God would provide? Feeding 50 people hot dogs was nothing compared to feeding 5,000! Even more so, remember this: God is always bigger than our problem - "If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all - how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?" Romans 8:31-32
Good Morning Lynn,
OK.. so now I'm hungry for hot dogs.. ha!
I enjoyed your story and know that in life - things always have a way of working themselves out... with the help of our LORD.
I try to remember that when I begin to panic (who me... never) that things will work out one way or another.
Thanks be to GOD !
Your friend,
Thanks for reading and posting comments. Ironically, our pastor had a small blurb in his sermon yesterday also talking about this. I had written the blog right before the service. So I figure God must have REALLY been reminding ME of this! Thanks again or visitng. Lynn
Hey Lynn - enjoyed reading this!!! Hope you guys had a great Turkey Day!!! We had a great week in Chicago, it was extremely busy though! It was great to see family though!
Have a great week!!!
Colleen.. Welcome home! Glad you had a great time and much needed respite. Also glad to hear you arrived safe and sound! Won't be long and you'll be back again! Thanks for visiting and God Bless you on your return. May have many "loaves and fishes" kind of days in your ministry and your lives! Love, Lynn
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