A poster I saw once reads, "Blessed are those who expect nothing for they shall never be disappointed." Hopefully one chuckles at this saying and doesn't take it seriously. However, the statement shows how frustrated one can get when life doesn't go as planned. Serious tragedies in life need to go through a process that is painful. First there is shock, then anger, the "why me" stage and hopefully, eventual acceptance of one's new situation. Reframing takes place in the final acceptance stage , though maybe for some it will occur earlier. The "reframing" I'm speaking of is when you can't change a situation, you then change the way you respond to it. Most of the time this is not an easy thing, but the more one does it, the easier it is. For example.... Someone you interact with daily (neighbor, coworker, co-student, etc.) is the most annoying person you know. This individual isn't moving away, no one is transferring them, or they aren't changing schools. You are stuck with this wonderful challenge! You can let this person annoy you and perhaps annoy them back adding to the strain, OR, you can pray and ask God to see this person through HIS eyes. You can begin to reframe the situation by seeing God's perspective and act accordingly. Perhaps you are what this person needs. A link to Jesus? A calm presence in their life? An encourager? A role model? Maybe it's you that needs this challenging person in your life. To develop patience? Learn a new skill? See the other side of life? Learn to have a sense of humor? Maybe it's physical pain you are going through and things aren't getting better (I can relate to BOTH of these situations!). Maybe God is slowing you down so you rely on him more and yourself less. Perhaps he is showing you to be sensitive to what others are going through - becoming more humble. Is it a job cut, loss or lack of progress? Could it be God is showing you what is really important in life? To depend on him for your needs? To look in another direction to fulfill his will? Each situation we face causes us to react to it in one way or another. Initially, I want to act in a worldly fashion and defend ME. "I can't deal with this annoying person, Lord. Get him/her out of my life." "Rid my body of pain." "Why, Lord, would you allow me to have a job loss? I can't give to you without an income!"
How easy it is to think on human terms. But if we cling to God's words and promises, we have such a higher hope. "I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope. " Psalm 130:5 And of course, once again (another favorite verse) "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:10-12 It is natural to start out thinking negative. It's our nature! But as Believers, we march to a different drum because we know in the end, this life is temporary and.... "... we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 So next time you are down and out on what life has handed you, think about such things. If it's a major crisis, know that you will need to work through those giant steps that make take a long time, yet keep your focus on Christ. God has BIG plans for you! For the smaller things (like the annoying person that never goes away), remember that God has a plan in it and pray to see it through his eyes. You will be amazed at how your attitude changes. How uplifting to see these annoyances now turn into golden opportunities to serve God for his glory. As I pointed out in a previous post, persevere and be victorious for God's kingdom defeating the evil one and his wicked desires. God's will goes on with or without us. To that I say, "Count me in!"
How easy it is to think on human terms. But if we cling to God's words and promises, we have such a higher hope. "I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope. " Psalm 130:5 And of course, once again (another favorite verse) "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:10-12 It is natural to start out thinking negative. It's our nature! But as Believers, we march to a different drum because we know in the end, this life is temporary and.... "... we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 So next time you are down and out on what life has handed you, think about such things. If it's a major crisis, know that you will need to work through those giant steps that make take a long time, yet keep your focus on Christ. God has BIG plans for you! For the smaller things (like the annoying person that never goes away), remember that God has a plan in it and pray to see it through his eyes. You will be amazed at how your attitude changes. How uplifting to see these annoyances now turn into golden opportunities to serve God for his glory. As I pointed out in a previous post, persevere and be victorious for God's kingdom defeating the evil one and his wicked desires. God's will goes on with or without us. To that I say, "Count me in!"
1 comment:
Hi Lynn,
This is quite POWERFUL!
I can think of so many things that I'm annoyed with on a daily basis.
I will have to keep re-reading what you've written on this subject.
I know it's easier said than done.. but with our dear Lord's help - we can all make it through!
Thank you for sharing.
Your friend,
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