How often have you talked about yourself in a negative way? "I'm such an idiot." (a common one for me!) "I never should have been born!" "What a Jerk!" We know it's wrong saying these things about other people, but we don't hesitate to say them about ourselves. After all...we aren't harming anyone by saying such things about US....are we? When I was a child, I remember saying these things about myself within hearing distance of my very wise mother. She said to me, "You know, that's not a nice thing to say about Jesus." I told her I wasn't saying that about Jesus. I was saying it about myself. She explained to me how God created me. He gave his Son to die for me. Saying these things about myself was criticising my Creator. That sure put a new perspective on my life! I still have times when I'm down on myself. But when I get too negative, I think about her words of wisdom. A year or so ago, our former worship leader seemed to have a similar experience. He told the congregation that he wasn't feeling too good about himself one night. While lying in bed, he said to his wife, "Does Jesus really love me?" She said, "He DIED for you!!!" Well answered! What more can we say! "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrated his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:6-8
Next time you are feeling like "scum" or unworthy of anything (whether from something you've done, or the way someone else makes you feel), think of how God views you. This is what He says: "How beautiful you are , my darling; there is NO flaw in you!" Song of Songs 4:1
Hi Lynn,
WOW... I can't begin to count the number of times I say something negative about myself.
I make many negative comments about my weight, my attitude, how I never ever feel totally GOOD enough!
I'll have to remember to read this when I'm having a more than usual negative day.
Thank you Lynn for being such a wonderful & inspiring writer.
Your friend, Jamie
What a great reminder - Thanks for sharing your mother's wisdom!!! Now all I need to do is remember to remind myself of that!!!
thanks for all your prayers too Lynn!
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